A director of a company is a person who is responsible for managing the company’s business activities. When a person is acting as a director, they must act in the best interests of the company. Each type of company must have at least one member (shareholder) and at least one director. A director can also be a member of a company, which is common with small types of companies.
All New Zealand companies must have at least one director who lives in:
- New Zealand, or
- Australia, and who is a director of a company incorporated in Australia.
Any new director that is appointed must be registered with Companies Office within 20 working days of their appointment.
Who can't be a director
Reasons a person cannot be a director include if they are:
- under 18 years of age
- an undischarged bankrupt. (Check the Insolvency Register to see if someone has declared bankruptcy)
- subject to a property order under Section 30 or 31 of the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988
- prohibited from being a director, general partner or promoter under certain statutory provisions
- prohibited from being involved in the management of a company or limited partnership under certain statutory provisions.
This includes, but isn't limited to people who've been:
- convicted of a crime involving dishonesty in the last five years, or
- prohibited from managing a company or limited partnership by the Registrar of Companies or Financial Markets Authority.
Other criteria can be found in the Companies Act 1993.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select the Company from the list. |
Select Officers |
CAS 360 will display the Add/Edit New Officer screen.
Officer Name
Begin typing the new Officer's name. CAS 360 will begin searching the Global Contact screen for the person. If the Contact has not been previously added to the Global Contact screen, will display.Click to add a new contact. |
Position |
Select the Officer's position as either Director, Secretary, Director & Secretary, or Alternate |
Position Status | Select the Status as Appointed |
Meeting Status |
Enter the Appointed date as the date the Officer is appointed |
Notes | Add extra notes to appear on the Register of Officers |
Australian Company Directorship
If the officer lives in Australia, also provide the following information.
Is the person also the director of a company that is registered in Australia? |
Select Note: All New Zealand companies must have at least one director who lives in:
Forms Prepared
CAS 360 will display the Document Production screen and automatically select the documents required:
- Cover Letter
- Company Change Summary
- Form 9 - Consent and certificate of director
- Directors Minute or Resolution
- Register of Officers
- Members Meeting Minute or Resolution
- Consent to Act letter
Filing Director Appointments (Filing Form 9)
Once documents have been downloaded or sent to clients, the company change will appear under Global Documents.
Once Form 9 has been signed, it can be uploaded and filed with Companies Office. For more information on filing company changes, click here.