The name, address and appointment status of all company directors, alternate directors and secretaries must be kept up to date on the Companies Register.
If a director dies, is removed or resigns from the role, you must notify Companies Office within 20 working days of the event taking place. The change must have already occurred before you update Companies Office of this event.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select the Company from the list. |
Select Officers |
CAS 360 will display a list of the company Officers.
Beside the Officer, change the status field from Appointed to Resigned, Removed or Deceased
To accept and save the change, under options, click
The Print option
will be automatically flagged
To edit the date of resignation, click |
to Prepare the forms and documents.Sole Director Company
Important: If the company has only 1 director, a new director (who meets the live in NZ requirement) must be appointed before the current director can be removed. See Appointing a Director (Officer).
Forms Prepared
CAS 360 will display the Document Production screen and automatically select the documents required:
- Cover Letter
- Company Change Summary
- Directors Minute or Resolution
- Register of Officers
- Members Minute or Resolution
- Resignation Letter