Notice of Beneficial Ownership
This article provides a structured summary of key dictionary codes for generating the Notice of Beneficial Ownership for shareholder changes that involve a Beneficial Owner. These codes simplify and customise data entry for shareholder names, addresses, beneficial owner details, and date formats.
Company Details
Description | Code | Where is this in CAS 360? |
Company Name | ${CompanyName} | Entered into the Company Name field. |
Registered Office Address | ${CompanyRegisteredAddress} | Registered Office entered in the Addresses screen. |
Company Registered Office Address in Multiple lines, Proper case and no commas |
${companyRegisteredAddressMultiLineProperCaseSuburbCapitalisedNoComma} |
The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen |
Business Address in Multiple lines, Proper case and no commas |
${companyBusinessAddressMultiLineProperCaseSuburbCapitalisedNoComma} |
The Business address entered into the Addresses screen |
Postal Address in Multiple lines, Proper case and no commas |
${companyPostalAddressMultiLineProperCaseSuburbCapitalisedNoComma} |
The Postal address entered into the Addresses screen |
Shareholder and Beneficial Owner Information
Description | Code | Where is this in CAS 360? |
Selected Shareholder name | ${ShareholderName} | In the Shareholders screen, shareholders where the flag is on. |
Selected Shareholder Address | ${ShareholderAddress} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Selected Shareholder Address (Muti Line) | ${ShareholderAddressMultiLine} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Selected Shareholder Address (Muti Line all in capitals) | ${ShareholderAddressMultiLineAllCaps} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Selected Shareholder Address (multi line and proper case) | ${ShareholderAddressMultiLineProperCase} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Selected Shareholder Address (multi line and proper case and suburb is capitalised) | ${ShareholderAddressMultiLineProperCaseSuburbCapitalised} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Beneficial owner of selected share change |
${BeneficialOwnerName} |
Applies to Shareholders appearing in the Shareholders screen with the icon beside their name. Click and Edit to view the Beneficial owner |
Beneficial owner address of selected share change |
${BeneficialOwnerAddress} |
Applies to Shareholders appearing in the Shareholders screen with the icon beside their name. Click and Edit to view the Beneficial owner |
Beneficial owner address of selected share change (Multi Line) |
${BeneficialOwnerAddressMultiLine} |
Applies to Shareholders appearing in the Shareholders screen with the icon beside their name. Click and Edit to view the Beneficial owner |
Beneficial owner address of selected share change (Multi Line all in capitals) |
${BeneficialOwnerAddressMultiLineAllCaps} |
Applies to Shareholders appearing in the Shareholders screen with the icon beside their name. Click and Edit to view the Beneficial owner |
Beneficial owner address of selected share change (Multi Line and Proper case) |
${BeneficialOwnerAddressMultiLineProperCase} |
Applies to Shareholders appearing in the Shareholders screen with the icon beside their name. Click and Edit to view the Beneficial owner |
Beneficial owner address of selected share change (Multi Line and Proper case and Suburd is capitalised) |
${BeneficialOwnerAddressMultiLineProperCaseSuburbCapitalised} |
Applies to Shareholders appearing in the Shareholders screen with the icon beside their name. Click and Edit to view the Beneficial owner |
Transaction Date | ${TransactionDate} | Date of the Company Change entered. |
Shares of selected share change | ${NumberOfShares} | In the Shareholders screen, share transactions where the flag is on. |
Share class of selected share change | ${ShareType} | In the Shareholders screen, share transactions where the flag is on. |
Certificate number of selected share change | ${CertificateNumber} | In the Shareholders screen, share transactions where the flag is on. |
Date Formatting Options
Description | Code | Example |
Day, full date | ${D_DNC} |
${D_DNC${datesigned}} Display the date as day, full date Example: Tuesday, 25 July 2017 |
Full date | ${DNC} |
${DNC${datesigned}} Display the date in its full date format Example: 25 July 2017 |
Date Long Form |
${DLF} |
${DLF${documentDate}} Display the date in its long-form format Example: Monday, January 1st, 2018 |
Date Long Form no day |
${DLF_ND} |
${DLF_ND${documentDate}} Display the date in its long-form format excluding the day of the week Example: January 1st, 2018 |
Date Long Form no day |
${DLF_ND2} |
${DLF_ND2${dateSigned}} Display the date in its long-form format (with the day of the month at the beginning of the date) excluding the day of the week Example:1st January, 2018 |
Date Long Form |
${DLF_AUS} |
${DLF_AUS${dateSigned}} Display the date in its long-form format (including the 0 digit for days 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 of the month)
Example: Monday, 01st January, 2018 |
Date Long Form no day | ${DLF_ND_AUS} |
${DLF_ND_AUS${dateSigned}} Display the date in its long-form format (including the 0 digit for days 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 of the month) excluding the day of the week Example: 01st January, 2018 |
Date format: DD Month YYYY | ${D_MAW} |
${D_MAW${dateSigned}} Display the date in its full date format Example: 01 January 2018 |
Date Long Form Variant |
${DLF2} |
${DLF2${dateSigned}} Display the date in an alternate long-form format excluding the day of the week. Example: 7th day of October 2023 |
Date Long Form Variant Upper Case | ${DLF2UC} |
${DLF2UC${dateSigned}} Display the date in an all Upper Case alternate long-form format excluding the day of the week. Example: 7TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2023 |