Distribution Statements
Document created for Distributions
Description | Code | Where is this information in CAS 360? |
Trustee name |
${Ds_EntityName} |
Entered into the Company Name field in the General Details screen for Corporate Trustees. Entered into the Global Contact Screen, if the Trustee is a Contact. |
${Ds_CompanyNumber} |
Entered into the Company Number field in the General Details screen for Corporate Trustees. |
Registered Office Address |
${Ds_EntityAddress} |
The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen for Corporate Trustees. For a Contact Trustee, this will display the address attached to the Trustee contact. |
Registered Office Address in Multiple lines and in Proper Case |
${ds_entityAddressMultiLineProperCase} |
The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen for Corporate Trustees. For a Contact Trustee, this will display the address attached to the Trustee contact. |
Registered Office Address in Multiple lines and All Capitals |
${ds_entityAddressMultiLineAllCaps} |
The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen for Corporate Trustees. For a Contact Trustee, this will display the address attached to the Trustee contact. |
Registered Office Address in Multiple lines and in Proper Case. The Suburb is in all Capitals |
${ds_entityAddressMultiLineProperCaseSubrubCapitalised} |
The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen for Corporate Trustees. For a Contact Trustee, this will display the address attached to the Trustee contact. |
Address Type |
${Ds_EntityAddressType} |
Used to work out the address required for the distribution statement. For a Company Trustee, this will display as Registered Address. For a Contact Trustee, this will display Trust Address. |
Unitholder name |
${Ds_SecurityHolderName} |
Name displaying In the Unitholders screen. |
Unitholder Address |
${Ds_SecurityHolderAddress} |
Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Unit Description |
${Ds_SecurityDescription} |
The Unit description appearing in the Unitholders screen |
Number of Units |
${Ds_NumberofSecurities} |
Number of Units held In the Unitholders screen. |
Date Distribution declared | ${Ds_DateDeclared} | Date entered for the Distributions information |
Amount Paid per share | ${Ds_AmountPerSecurity} | Amount entered for the Distributions information |
TFN of Unitholder | ${Ds_TfnProvided} | TFN attached to the Contact of the unitholder. |
Date Distribution Paid | ${Ds_PaymentDate} | Date entered for the Distributions information |
Signatory Name | ${Ds_SignatoryName} | The Company Officers will be used as signatories. The Signatories can be changed by using options in the Document Production Screen. |
Position of the signatory |
${Ds_SignatoryPosition} |
The Company Officers will be used as signatories. The Signatories can be changed by using options in the Document Production Screen |
Registered office address in multi line | ${Ds_RegisteredOfficeAddressMultiLine} | The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen |
Registered office address in multi line and all in Capitals | ${Ds_RegisteredOfficeAddressMultiLineAllCaps} | The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen |
Registered office address in multi line and proper case | ${Ds_RegisteredOfficeAddressMultiLineProperCase} | The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen |
Registered office address in multi line and proper case and suburb is capitalised | ${Ds_RegisteredOfficeAddressMultiLineProperCaseSuburbCapitalised} | The Registered Office address entered into the Addresses screen |
Security holder address in multi line | ${Ds_SecurityHolderAddressMultiLine} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Security holder address in multi line and all in Capitals | ${Ds_SecurityHolderAddressMultiLineAllCaps} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Security holder address in multi line and proper case | ${Ds_SecurityHolderAddressMultiLineProperCase} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Security holder address in multi line and proper case and suburb is capitalised | ${Ds_SecurityHolderAddressMultiLineProperCaseSuburbCapitalised} | Address attached to the Contact of the above shareholder. |
Company Reference | ${Reference} | Reference entered into the Company Info Screen. |
Postal Address in Multiple lines, no commas |
${companyPostalAddressMultiLineNoComma} |
The Postal address entered into the Addresses screen
Company Business Address in Multiple lines, no commas |
${companyBusinessAddressMultiLineNoComma} |
The Business Office address entered into the Addresses screen |
Date Formats
Description | Code | Example |
Day, full date | ${D_DNC} |
${D_DNC${datesigned}} Display the date as day, full date Example: Tuesday, 25 July 2017 |
Full date | ${DNC} |
${DNC${datesigned}} Display the date in its full date format Example: 25 July 2017 |
Date Long Form |
${DLF} |
${DLF${documentDate}} Display the date in its long-form format Example: Monday, January 1st, 2018 |
Date Long Form no day |
${DLF_ND} |
${DLF_ND${documentDate}} Display the date in its long-form format excluding the day of the week Example: January 1st, 2018 |
Date Long Form no day |
${DLF_ND2} |
${DLF_ND2${dateSigned}} Display the date in its long-form format (with the day of the month at the beginning of the date) excluding the day of the week Example:1st January, 2018 |
Date Long Form |
${DLF_AUS} |
${DLF_AUS${dateSigned}} Display the date in its long-form format (including the 0 digit for days 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 of the month)
Example: Monday, 01st January, 2018 |
Date Long Form no day | ${DLF_ND_AUS} |
${DLF_ND_AUS${dateSigned}} Display the date in its long-form format (including the 0 digit for days 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 of the month) excluding the day of the week Example: 01st January, 2018 |
Date format: DD Month YYYY | ${D_MAW} |
${D_MAW${dateSigned}} Display the date in its full date format Example: 01 January 2018 |
Date Long Form Variant |
${DLF2} |
${DLF2${dateSigned}} Display the date in an alternate long-form format excluding the day of the week. Example: 7th day of October 2023 |
Date Long Form Variant Upper Case | ${DLF2UC} |
${DLF2UC${dateSigned}} Display the date in an all Upper Case alternate long-form format excluding the day of the week. Example: 7TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2023 |